Faith Bible Chapel Announcements

Radiant Ladies Night
Join us Wednesday, March 26th from 6-8:30 pm for ladies night with Speaker Vicki Dinius. Vicki will be sharing items from her Israel trip and will have cards written in Hebrew available to purchase for a donation to the desperation youth trip. Contact Lisa Wichman for more information at 724-601-2916.
Baby Dedication
We will be having a baby dedication on Sunday, March 30th during service. If you would like your child to be dedicated, please contact the church office at
928- 645-3012
Desperation Bake Sale
The youth will be having a bake sale on March 30th right after service. This is a fundraiser for the Desperation Youth Conference. If you would like to donate baked goods for this event, please sign up in the foyer or contact Mikalah Lee at 928-614-0644.
Desperation Youth Conference 2025
The second payment of $100 will be due on March 30th . The final payment will be due April 30th in the amount of $200. If anyone would like to sponsor one of our youth, please memo your check desperation sponsorship. For more information contact Mikalah Lee at 928-614-0644.
All Hands on Deck
Join us April 12th for an All Church Clean Day from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. We will focus on a deep clean of the church inside and out in getting ready for Easter service and we need all hands on deck. You can come and go as needed; however we will be providing lunch for all workers. Please contact Barb Wilson if you would like to help at 928-640-0254
Children’s Easter Sunday
Children’s Church will have a special curriculum on Sunday, April 20th for Easter as well as an Easter egg hunt. We are asking for donations of plastic eggs with candy and a scripture inside to be used in the hunt. Donations can be placed in the box provided in the foyer. Contact Aaron at 660-0617 for information.
Events at a Glance
April 13th Palm Sunday-Pastor Judd
April 20th Easter Sunday-Pastor Tanner
April 27th Dave Nutting- Alpha Omega Institute

You may download our church app by texting Faith928 to 206-859-9405
You may donate online at under the link make a donation!

Donate online using the QR Code below!

Church App/Website Giving
Just a reminder that if you are tithing through the Subsplash church giving app or the website, you can only give through the general fund. We cannot except designated giving through these platforms as they charge the church fees for giving.

Online Giving
Visit the Church website or download the Church app to give to the church. You can also send your tithe through the mail at:
PO Box 845

Page, AZ 86040
Meal Ministry 
Meal Ministry Coordinator is Bob Lemons; if you are in need of a meal contact the church office at 645-3012
First time visitors can download our church app by texting 
You can donate online at under the link make a donation!