Faith Bible Chapel Meal Ministry

The purpose of the FBC Meal Ministry is to free up time for those in distress and to let people
know that others care.
The meal is used as a tool to free up time and the meals delivered are more than the
recipients expect to let them know that others care. Meals are delivered with paper plates,
plastic-ware, and disposable cups so there is no clean up afterward.. The meal providers
return to pick up their dishes later if needed so the recipient is not burdened with more little
things to do.
Candidates for meals are regular attendees of Faith Bible Chapel that are experiencing a
temporary medical issue, the loss of an immediate family member, loss of the use of their
home, or are victims of felony crimes.
Those in distress or others who may know a church family that is can contact the meal
ministry coordinator (Bob Lemons) or the church office at 928-645-3012 to reach out to help.
The coordinator will contact the candidate to determine their dietary restrictions, number of
people to receive a meal, dates, times, and delivery location. Meals are provided once a day
at dinner time for up 4 consecutive days. On the 4 th day, the coordinator contacts the recipient
for an update to determine if more help is needed after that.
The meal ministry has 20 meal providers who share in the opportunities to help those in
distress. When a request for meals is received, the coordinator sends a group text to all the
meal providers at once. Meal providers who are available reply to the text on which day they
would like to provide a meal. When all of the days are fulfilled, the coordinator creates a
smaller group text for those providing meals with the recipient so they can communicate to
follow up as needed.
We don't need much advance notice to respond. It usually takes about 15 minutes to
schedule 4 days of meals because meal providers have been quick to reply to requests.
They do it from the goodness of their heart, out of pocket, and are a very special group eager
to help those in need.
During the past 4 years, (Jan 2021 thru Oct 2024) the meal ministry has provided 91 days of
help to 27 families and delivered a total of 302 individual meals. Demand for medical issues
accounted for 73% of our activity, death of an immediate family member was15%, and loss of
the use of a home was 12%. We have not provided meals to victims of felony crimes yet, but
have reached out to offer it. Providing 4 days of meals has been adequate 85% of the time.
Our greatest activity was in 2021 during the covid pandemic which accounted for about half of
all activity the past 4 years..
If you would like to be involved in this ministry, please contact the coordinator, Bob Lemons,
or the church office.
Many blessings to you!